Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

GFC U&CF Technical Assistance Program

…Provided? You will need to complete a short self-assessment survey for your community that takes about 20 minutes to complete online. The survey helps us to determine what support is…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…nursery stock each year. The Georgia Forestry Commission samples native vegetation surrounding these nursery sites as well as from forested areas throughout the state and to date, no native plants…

Community Resources

…owners and nonprofit organizations. Page on GFC Website Community Forestry Friend Program Application The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing exemplary urban forestry programs with a…

Community Forestry Assistance

…forestry programs, and promote the care of trees in communities throughout Georgia with emphasis on disadvantaged communities. In partnership with the Georgia Tree Council, the Georgia ReLeaf grant program offers…

Trees Across Georgia (TAG) Grant Program

…promote the care of trees in communities throughout Georgia with emphasis on disadvantaged communities. The USDA Forest Service, authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act and the Community Forestry Assistance Act…

My Experience as an Urban and Community Forestry Intern

…summer as an urban and community forestry intern. I study community forestry and arboriculture at the University of Georgia. My advisors spoke highly of the Georgia Forestry Commission and its…

Forest Legacy & Conservation Easements

commercial development. These easements may not mention forestry at all, or may simply allow timber harvesting according to “good practices” with no additional detail. Who administers the program? GFC administers…


…Seedlings are available to the public on a first come-first serve basis. Orders can be delivered to and picked up at any GFC office across the state without additional charge….

The Value of Conservation Easements in Georgia

Intact forestlands provide numerous benefits. However, as these areas are fragmented and disappear, so do the irreplaceable benefits they provide. The donated conservation easement, then, is the most logical legal tool to secure long-term conservation in Georgia.