Laurel Wilt Disease Associated with Redbay Ambrosia Beetle

Laurel Wilt disease in Redbay. (L) Toothpick-like frass tubes extruded by ambrosia beetles boring into the wood. (C) Large Redbay trees killed by Laurel Wilt, rotting, and falling to the…

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

Updated September 26, 2023 David Cappaert, Michigan State University, photo credit The emerald ash borer (EAB) is an exotic insect that belongs to a group of metallic wood-boring beetles….

Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

…amount of hard work happening quietly and mostly unnoticed. Without fanfare, forests keep our air clean. They filter our water. They absorb carbon dioxide. They help control erosion. And they…

Carbon Registry

2024 Georgia Carbon Registry Amendment The purpose of the amendment to the Georgia Carbon Registry is to promote the use of building products used in construction in Georgia that sequester…

Carbon Sequestration

Forests have the capacity to both store and emit carbon. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store carbon in the stem, roots,…

Southern Pine Beetles

Figure 2: Southern pine beetle gallery – Photo by Ronald F. Billngs, Texas A&M Forest Service, Figure 1: Southern pine beetle – Photo by Gerald J. Lenhard, Louisiana State…

Reflections on the Big Fire of 2007

…cabs, enveloped by dense, black smoke. At one point, Sorrells radioed them directions to blast their horns, so rescuers could pinpoint their locations. It was then that Sorrells also realized…

Special Committee Tackles Carbon Credit Tracking in Georgia

…the voluntary Registry. The technical committee was created by legislative action that amended the Registry, developed in 2004, to calculate the amount of carbon being absorbed by the state’s forestland….


…state’s 24 million acres of forestland provide. Trees can be likened to human lungs. They “inhale” and “exhale,” and when they do, they’re absorbing gaseous molecules in the air and…

STEM & Forestry

…classroom and more tailored opportunities, such as STEM labs, field trips, or visits with STEM/STEAM Centers. There is an abundance of resources to support educators in their STEM/STEAM journeys, but…