Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

The GFC Seedling Store is Open for Business!!

…2023-24. All seedlings are adapted to Georgia’s unique climate and soils. We participate in two university/industry tree improvement cooperatives and maintain two seed production orchards. GFC seedlings have been cultured…


…of ingenuity. They say camp cultivates a sense of responsibility towards the environment and teaches crucial attributes such as adaptability and critical thinking, which sets them on a path to…

Vibrant Cities Lab

Case Studies, Research Guides and Tools to help cultivate thriving urban forests that boost public health, safety, sustainability and economic growth.

Timber Sales

…Stewardship management plan taking into account the various wood product, wildlife, recreational, soil, water, aesthetic, historical, and cultural resources of the area. GFC only conducts timber sales from these state…

Laurel Wilt Disease Associated with Redbay Ambrosia Beetle

…spreading across the United States. To date, there is no biocontrol or insecticidal control, and only the cultural practice of not moving infested material will possibly slow the spread. Avocado…

Callery Pear Information

Callery pear is one of the most rapidly-spreading invasive plants in the eastern U.S. This plant stems from cultivars of ornamental pears, most commonly the Bradford pear. Callery pear can have long thorns, and grows singly or in thick patches in old fields, roadsides, or forested areas.

GFC’s Stance on Respect and Discrimination

…advocacy of violence in any form is contrary to our values and culture. Discrimination has absolutely no place in our agency, and its appearance on any platform, including the personal…

Caring for Trees in Summer

…help you cultivate the best growing conditions possible. GFC’s recently redesigned website contains an abundant array of fact sheets, videos, multi-media presentations, websites and contacts to assist you with questions…

STEM & Forestry

…These areas include planning and overseeing the construction of culverts and bridges that can support activities such as heavy logging trucks and equipment travel. The National Science Foundation, the Department…