GFC Leaf Watch

…of trees. Native Trees of Georgia describes 92 of them. PDF exclamation-circle No resources found- please try another search term. Partnering Links TitleDescriptionDocument Type Explore Georgia Official Georgia Tourism and…

Pine Bark Beetles

…entrance hole on the bark. These pitch tubes are the tree’s defense mechanism against the beetles, with resin pushing the beetle out. Severely stressed trees may not produce pitch tubes,…

Georgia Carbon Registry Factsheet

The Georgia Carbon Registry provides forest landowners, municipalities, and public and private entities with an official mechanism for the development, documentation, and reporting of carbon emissions offset projects undertaken in Georgia.

Forest Utilization

…public and private entities with an official mechanism for the development, documentation, and reporting of carbon emissions offset projects undertaken in Georgia. PDF Georgia Forestry Laws GFC is not liable…

Community Resources

…Community Forestry Friend social media badge. Earning the badge means your community manages its trees with the best urban and community forestry practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply…

Ecosystem Services

…formation, carbon sequestration, nutrient and waste recycling, and pollination Cultural Services: The educational, aesthetic, cultural heritage values of ecosystems, including tourism and recreation Traditionally, most ecosystem services are considered free…

Social & Cultural

…sense of unity among residents within their local neighborhood, and experience a stronger sense of belonging to the neighborhood. Among minor crimes, there is less graffiti, vandalism, and littering in…

Storm Mitigation Planning

…community manages its trees with the best urban and community forestry practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply for the Community Forestry Friend program. PDF eLearn Urban Forestry (eXtension…

Care For Your Community’s Trees

…Earning the badge means your community manages its trees with the best urban and community forestry practices, partners and professionalism. Download application to apply for the Community Forestry Friend program….

Georgia Grown

…to aid agricultural economies by bringing together producers, processors, suppliers, distributors, retailers, agritourism and consumers in one powerful, statewide community. Georgia Grown is also a brand with deep roots in…