Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…brown. Dogwood is nearing peak as a majority of this species continues to display a mix of dull and deep reds. The Lookout Mountain and Fort Mountain areas are showing…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

Northwest GA (Ridge and Valley/Cumberland Plateau): Foliage color change is steadily progressing and is most visible in areas above 2000 feet. Sourwood and blackgum continue to provide a majority of…

10-27-21 Leaf Watch Report

Foliage color change is steadily progressing and is most visible in areas above 2000 feet. Sourwood and blackgum continue to provide a majority of the red patches seen from overlooks and ridges. Hickory and poplar have made the most significant changes over the past week as they are beginning to display a mix of vivid yellows, golds, and browns.

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…species like poplar have faded, but a majority of the canopy is showing great color. The variation of reds from the sumac, sourwood, and dogwoods contrasts with golds from the…

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

…to 136. Northeast: In mid to higher elevations (2000’ +) the majority of species have surpassed peak and only a few are exhibiting color. Below that, roadsides and field perimeters…

New Website Improves the Timber Harvest Notification Process in Georgia

…at https://gatrees.org/forest-management-conservation/timber-harvest-notifications/. “This is a win-win across the board,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “All the major stakeholders were at the design table and what’s being rolled out…

GFC Launches Certified Burners’ Online Permit System

…fire on their property. Certified burners can now apply for a burn permit up to 48 hours prior to their planned burn. “This is a major modernization of our system,”…

Fire Danger Rising – Public’s Help Needed

…just the past five days. “These are human-caused fires,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Chief of Protection Frank Sorrells. “The cause of the majority of these wildfires are from individuals conducting…


…At GFC’s Forest Health Department, spring is the start of our early detection season. The majority of this early detection work is done by placing insect traps around the state….

Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…most viewing is roadside at this time, all major roads leading from the piedmont into the mountains are good viewing. Mid-morning is the best time due to having the sun…