GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…green to date: 10 – 50% above 3000’; 20% or less below 3000’. At Georgia’s very highest elevations we may see peak beginning this weekend running into next week. Peak…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

running through Suches and down to the Morganton/Blue Ridge areas should provide for some good color. Mountain traffic on the weekends has been especially heavy this season with trailheads, overlooks,…

Reflections on the Big Fire of 2007

run over my car? How can they see? And then, in time, you can see dimly some headlights coming forward. And they pull up to the refuel site and start…

Conservation Woodland Program

…by wildfire do not ignite by being overrun by huge walls of flames. More typically, fire burns along ground fuels—grass, leaves, debris—to ignite homes with combustible construction, such as wooden…

The Timber Harvest Notification Website is Live!

We’re off and running! The Timber Harvest Notification (THN) website, housed on the Georgia Forestry Commission’s site at, has been activated. What exactly does it do? It gives timber…

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…whereas Georgia averages about 3,500. Georgia does have a “wildfire season,” however, and it runs from February through May. It can also be hazardous. Newnan recently had a 39-acre fire…

Summer Camp Openings for Nature-Loving Middle Schoolers

…forest products, wildlife, natural resource careers, technology, and more. Campers are given many recreation opportunities, such as swimming, shooting sports, tennis, basketball, a “mud run” obstacle course, and a boating…

Special Committee Tackles Carbon Credit Tracking in Georgia

…off and running, creating necessary benchmarks for tracking the emission and absorption of carbon in our state. Along with the forest community, architects, builders and others will benefit from a…