Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…expenses. The funds will reimburse approved landowners $100/acre on eligible reforestation practices. Shortleaf Pine & Oak Restoration in the Georgia Cumberlands Cost Share Project The Shortleaf Pine & Oak Restoration…

Taxes & Estate Planning

…in the public interest including woodlands, wetlands, farmlands, scenic areas, historic areas, wild and scenic rivers, undisturbed natural areas, will more than likely qualify. For people who want to preserve…

Conservation Woodland Program

…aesthetics, and wildfire prevention. Let’s Get Started! CUVA Information Certain properties, including agricultural lands, forestlands, and environmentally sensitive areas, may be eligible for reduced property tax rates through Conservation Use…

Forest Inventory Analysis

…data so that we can assess trends and track current forest resource status. FIA data is valuable as a historic record and it provides documentation of current conditions and trends

Forest Biomass

…stands of southern pine species are often overly dense, sometimes with thousands of trees growing on each acre. A thinning operation that results in a forest stand of 500 –…

Grant Program Funds Tree Plantings

Grant Program Funds Tree Plantings It’s not always easy for communities to fund all the tree plantings they’d like to do. While beauty, shade, homes for animals, and environmental services…

State Managed Forests

…with pine trees. Wetlands made up of creeks and beaver ponds, utilize over 270 acres. The Baldwin Seed Orchard has 100 acres. Right-of-ways (natural gas, electric, and highway/roads) make up…