Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

…of Entomology Georgia Department of Natural Resources USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Georgia Department of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Water Quality Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection…

Forest Biomass

…developing areas. These sources include construction waste, wood from building demolition, disposal of wooden pallets, and others. These materials are usually low in moisture content and provide an excellent fuel…

Doing Business in Georgia

Whether traveling by truck, train, air, or sea, Georgia’s excellent transportation logistics allow deliveries to make it to market fast. Trucks traveling from Georgia reach more than 80% of the…

Southern Pine Beetles

…All of the above factors help sustain beetles when their numbers are low. However, during epidemic years when SPB numbers are skyrocketing, even the healthiest of trees/stands are killed. Therefore,…

Forest Services Contractors

…Pesticide Applicator? No North GA Southwest GA West Central GA Mowing Wildlife Rotary MowingMulching for Timber Stand Improvement Mulching for Wildlife Alpha Services, LLC. P.O. Box 141, Chunky,MS Bryan Olmstead…

Forestry Services Contractors Directory

…Pesticide Applicator? No North GA Southwest GA West Central GA Mowing Wildlife Rotary MowingMulching for Timber Stand Improvement Mulching for Wildlife Alpha Services, LLC. P.O. Box 141, Chunky,MS Bryan Olmstead…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…Forestry practices include stream restoration, livestock exclusion, restoring native vegetation in uplands, planting longleaf pine, and establishing native ground cover. Wildlife Incentives for Nongame and Game Species (Project WINGS) This…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…Oak Death pathogen has now been found in 17 nurseries throughout Georgia. Georgia Department of Agriculture nursery inspectors inspect plants imported into our state, and continue to intercept some infected…

Timber Products

…more. Slash, loblolly and longleaf are the species of choice for pine straw production. Christmas Trees Ninety percent (90%) of Georgia’s Christmas tree production is Virginia pine. The other 10%…

Landowner Resources

…all TAG grant applications. Excel Fine Fuel Moisture Table A close estimate of the fine dead fuel moisture (FDFM) on your burn unit any time a FDFM reading is desired…