With two out of every three raindrops falling in Georgia landing on forest lands, our forests are one of the most significant factors affecting our water quality and quantity.
Learn more about the relationship between forests and water quality
Because most fires are caused by humans, extreme care must be exercised whenever open burning is conducted. Campfires, escaped debris burning and ignition by hot equipment are just a few of the things that can spark a fire.
Find out how to prevent wildfires.
Georgia is the perfect place to do business in wood. Georgia is the #1 exporter of wood fuel in the world. Our state offers the forest industry excellent logistics.
Learn how you can do business in Georgia.
When we think of trees, we naturally think of wood and timber products. But every part of the tree is useful, from its wood to its saps, extracts, medicinal uses, greenery, and beyond. Some of our favorite food products from Georgia trees!
Find out the many products that come from Georgia’s trees.
Tree care should always be provided by a certified arborist. Arborists are trained in the identification, diagnosis and care of trees. They understand how to provide proper tree care safely. Our certified arborists are here to offer timely, unbiased advice — free of charge.
Submit your question to a certified arborist.
Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives! As research is being conducted and becoming available, findings reinforce what much of the urban forestry community already knows – that trees have a positive impact on human health.
Learn more about the benefits of trees
According to American Forests, the forests in Atlanta remove about 19 million pounds of air pollutants each year, worth about $47 million a year.
Learn how trees clean our air, stabilize our weather, keep water flowing properly and much more