Fire Weather

…linked to GFC’s wildfire computer-aided dispatch system and software called FiResponse. It offers current information about Georgia’s reported and active wildfires. Details include: fire location whether a fire is active,…

Ecosystem Services

…benefits to society. These public goods provide the basis for sustainable economies, communities, and livelihoods, but have no recognized economic value in the marketplace. The vital contributions of ecosystem services…

Green Cities: Good Health

Metro nature – including trees, parks, gardens, and natural areas – enhance quality of life in cities and towns. The experience of nature improves human health and well-being in many ways. review these scientific studies that tell us how.

Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources (UGA)

Warnell prepares leaders in the conservation and sustainable management of forests and other natural resources; to discover ways to restore and better use the earth’s natural resources; and to put into practice forestry and natural resources knowledge.

Cogongrass in Georgia

…soil types with the exception of saturated soils and is highly adaptable from full sunlight to shade. Cogongrass invades forests, pastures, old fields, roadsides, utility rights-of-ways, and ditches. The grass…

SFI Report: Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

Georgia is an ideal place to live and work – offering a quality of life that is unmatched. We are business friendly, benefit from a temperate climate and boast world class recreational and cultural experiences. Key to this way of life is the state’s robust forest industry, which supports our economy, natural resources and recreational opportunities.

News Archives

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 National Arbor Day 2013…

Learn, Plan, Act

GFC and the Southern Group of State Foresters launched “Learn, Plan, Act” as a way to promote sound forest management practices and provide helpful educational materials, guidance and other resources to Georgia landowners.

1999 – 2009 Georgia Trout Stream BMP’s Interpretation addendum

Georgia’s forestry BMP manual (revised in 1999 and 2009) recommends a 100 foot wide Streamside Management Zone, measured from the stream bank horizontally outward away from the stream; to be implemented on all Georgia designated primary or secondary trout streams – and tributaries (p. 11 Georgia’s BMPs for Forestry manual).