i-Tree Streets

Within the i-Tree software suite, street tree populations are assessed using i-Tree Streets, which is an analysis tool for urban forest managers that uses tree inventory data to quantify the dollar value of annual environmental and aesthetic benefits.

Where are my trees’ roots?

Many people think removing a few of the tree’s encroaching roots will cause little long term harm and that large trees can easily recover from minor root loss, but that
is seldom the case.

Timber Sales

Large tracts of land are maintained and preserved by the State. GFC manages several land properties owned by the State of Georgia. All of them operate under a multiple-use Forest…

Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…to the odor produced by wind-thrown trees and trees damaged or killed by nature or man. Living pine trees are infested when stressed by: drought, age, tree competition in overcrowded…

Will someone buy my trees

Many homeowners believe that the trees in their landscape have significant economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. These trees, whether pine or hardwood, seem to occupy such a large space in the landscape that it’s difficult to imagine they can’t be used to build houses, furniture or put to some other valuable use. Landowners also hope that this value will help offset the cost of the tree’s removal, which can be very expensive.