Green Cities: Mental Health & Function

Both visual access and being within green space helps to restore the mind’s ability to focus. This can improve job and school performance, and help alleviate mental stress and illness.

Green Cities: Work & Learning

Places that incorporate or are located near nature can help remedy mental fatigue and restore one’s ability to focus on tasks. The result can be better performance in the work place and classroom.

Green Cities: Reduced Risk

Trees and vegetation can dampen ambient noise, improve air quality, cool over-heated urban centers, and be a food security solution.

Green Cities: Social & Cultural Strengths

Urban green spaces can provide a neutral space within which people come together, social interactions occur (that include people from different backgrounds), and relationships or partnerships take form. Read this briefing for research studies.

Green Cities: Safe Streets

his article surveys the research on roadside vegetation benefits, and the scientific evidence concerning city trees, and transportation safety.

Green Cities: Place Attachment & Meaning

Place attachment and meaning are particularly relevant when considering issues of urban development and community-building. Attachment and meaning emerge from a variety of experiences and situations, and are often related to parks, green spaces, and natural areas. Learn more with this brief summary.

Georgia Forestry Magazine

Georgia Forestry Magazine is published by HL Strategy in partnership with the Georgia Forestry Association and Georgia Forestry Commission. Together we are focused on telling the story of Georgia’s working forests, the landowners and producers who steward the land, and the manufacturers who are promoting innovative uses of wood.

Habitats of Georgia

Georgia is a diverse state, with many habitats from coastal beaches to mountain hardwood forests. Check out information about the plants and animals of the habitats, the adaptations of species living there, and the environmental issues facing those habitats.


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