Forest Health Archived Resources

…New Ambrosia Beetle Detected (2010 Update) Southern Pine Beetle Outbreak (2017) Thousand Cankers Disease (2010 Update) Wildfire Damage Assessment – West Mims Fire (2017) Back to the Forest Health section….

Georgia Census 2020

…is time consuming or difficult, don’t! It’s easy to access online and the questionnaire only takes about 10 minutes to complete. It’s safe, secure and confidential and your information and…

Georgia Senate Bill 119 12-6-90

1 To amend Code Section 12-6-90 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to
2 permit required for burning woods, lands, marshes, or other flammable vegetation, and
3 exceptions, so as to except certain yard waste from permitting; to provide for related matters;
4 to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

GA Outdoor Burn Notification System Frequently Asked Questions

GA code section 12-6-90 eliminates the need to notify the Georgia Forestry Commission when a person, firm,corporation or association intends to burn hand-piled vegetation/yard debris. Important fire prevention precautions for burners, however, were added.

GA Outdoor Burn Notification System FAQs (Spanish Version)

GA código sección 12-6-90 elimina la necesidad de notificar a la comisión forestal de Georgia cuando una persona, empresa, corporación o asociación tiene la intención de quemar vegetación apilada a mano/ escombros de patio. Sin embargo, se añadieron importantes precauciones de prevención de incendios para los quemadores.

Georgia’s Family Forest Landowners – 2021

Georgia’s forestry sector annually contributes about $36 billion to the state’s economy. Family forest landowners own 57% of forestlands in the state. These forestlands not only provide round wood for…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…and led to progressive increases in foliage color change. Expect the first or second week of November for peak. Suggested scenic drive: From I-75, take Hwy 136 to the top…

Forests Continue to Grow Georgia’s Economy

…11 pulp mills, continued to dominate all sectors within the forest industry. Urban and community forestry impacts, which are not included in other portions of the report, also showed strong…