Leaf Watch Report for November 11th, 2021

…as many species are at or surpassing peak. Overall color intensity will likely decrease in the coming week as leaves continue to drop. Species specifics: Dogwood – fading to maroon…

National Forest Products Week

…homes to wildlife, Georgia’s diverse forests provide recreational spaces for hunting, camping, fishing, hiking and so much more. When we think of products that come from the forest, we need…

GFC and COVID-19 – 5/27/20 Update

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

compromised root plates. All of these tree injuries could become larger issues down the road if not addressed. You can send pictures of storm damage to GFC’s “Ask the Arborist”…

Ransomware Attack Impacting GFC Online Services

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

Learn & Explore

…leaves a legacy for future generations to enjoy. In this section, learn about the benefits of trees and explore the celebrations, resources, programs, and recreational opportunities Georgia Forestry Commission provides….

Timber Security

complaints, and every complaint is investigated. The priority will always be to protect our landowners and their forest resources by ensuring that credible timber harvest operations occur. Among the duties…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…pine seedlings. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Forestry practices covered include prescribed burning, site preparation & tree planting, pre-commercial & commercial thinning, road stabilization, and wildlife management practices. Conservation Reserve…