Connect With Nature

Take a forest break! GFC and Southern Group of State Foresters have launched a communications campaign to educate the public about the benefits of forests. The campaign invites internet visitors…

Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives Research

Take care of the forest, and it will take care of you. As research is being conducted and becoming available, findings reinforce what much of the urban forestry community already knows — that trees have a positive impact on human health. Check out research on why Healthy Trees make Healthy Lives.

Georgia Tree Council

Tree advocacy group who works to sustain Georgia’s green legacy by partnering with individuals, organizations, and communities in raising awareness toward improving and maintaining Georgia’s community forests.

Defenders of Georgia’s Healthy Forests

…property. The Forestry Commission also offers free treatments to anyone with a cogongrass infestation. In fact, since the early 2000s, the Georgia Forestry Commission has been running an aggressive campaign…

GFC Tracking Palmetto Berry Thieves

…The Georgia Forestry Commission is working with local authorities to track illegal harvesters who are canvassing forestland in search of the in-season berries. Arrests have been made by both Georgia…


…a wide variety of services, including: fire detection issuing burn permits wildfire suppression and prevention services emergency and incident command system expertise rural fire department assistance forest management help for…

National Forest Products Week

…doing breaks down cellulose to a microfiber component. Nanocellulose improves the properties of strength, stiffness, and adhesive qualities. It is comparatively lightweight and acts as a barrier to moisture and…

2022 Economic Benefits of the Forestry Industry in Georgia

Georgia’s forest industry has many components, which interact with all other sectors of the economy in complex ways. The purposes of this analysis are to: (1) quantify the level of economic activity conducted by the components of the forest industry, (2) estimate economic activity supported in all Georgia sectors by the industry’s activities, (3) compare the level of activity in the forest industry with other industries, and (4) quantify the economic activity of forest industry sectors within each of the 12 regional commissions in Georgia.