Nature’s Water Filter Fact Sheet

Did you know working forests are the most significant factor affecting water quality and quantity in Georgia? Download fact sheet to learn more.

Cleaning our Air Fact Sheet

Did you know that Georgia’s 22 million acres of working forests provide clean air for you to breathe every day? Download fact sheet to learn more.

Green Cities: Social & Cultural Strengths

Urban green spaces can provide a neutral space within which people come together, social interactions occur (that include people from different backgrounds), and relationships or partnerships take form. Read this briefing for research studies.

Green Cities: Safe Streets

his article surveys the research on roadside vegetation benefits, and the scientific evidence concerning city trees, and transportation safety.

Green Cities: Place Attachment & Meaning

Place attachment and meaning are particularly relevant when considering issues of urban development and community-building. Attachment and meaning emerge from a variety of experiences and situations, and are often related to parks, green spaces, and natural areas. Learn more with this brief summary.

People of Forestry: Discover Careers in the Forest Activity Booklet

People of Forestry – Discover Careers in the Forest is an outreach project of the Southern Group of State Foresters and the state forestry agencies representing 13 southern states. It is intended to help children across the South become interested in careers in forestry at an early age.

Forest Management Plan

A forest management plan is the roadmap to a healthy forest. Landowners have diverse goals for their forested land. Explore the benefits of creating a forest management plan.

Arbor Day

Resources and ideas for local celebrations.