Cogongrass: Identifying one of the Most Invasive Plant Species

Cogongrass is one of the most invasive plants in Georgia. Follow along with Lynne Womack, our Forest Health Coordinator, and Mark McClure, our Forest Health Specialist, as they discuss the characteristics, common look-a-likes, and location of Cogongrass.

Carbon Sequestration Archive

TitleDescriptionDocument Type Georgia Carbon Sequestration Public Hearings – Statesboro 2007 Creation of Georgia’s Carbon Sequestration Registry included a public review process of proposed draft protocol documents and presentations. This is…

Waging War on the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

…deposit. A list of these offices can be found on the GFC’s webpage at: The two most common insecticides used are imidacloprid and dinotefuran. Imidacloprid is used on trees…

How Fire Earns GOOD Marks in the Forest

…the most important tools for cultivating healthy forestland,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “Prescribed fire protects lives and properties because it clears the forest floor of vegetative debris…

Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

Southern Pine BeetlePine bark beetles are insects that normally attack stressed and dying pine trees, and usually do not infest trees that are otherwise healthy and vigorous. They are attracted…

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

…of pines could be impacted including several of tremendous commercial importance: Loblolly (Pinus taeda), Shortleaf (Pinus echinata), and Slash (Pinus elliottii). Sirex noctilio has the potential to use Georgia’s southern…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…from i75. Turn left on Hwy 157 on top of lookout mountain (Or continue on Hwy 157 to go to Cloudland Canyon). Turn left on Daughtery Gap Rd to come…