Learn & Explore

Trees give oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and trap lung-damaging dust, ash, pollen and smoke. They prevent soil erosion, provide shade and reduce temperatures in urban areas. Around homes, trees increase…

Forest Biomass

Forest landowners and existing forest industry have the potential to grow this new bioenergy industry rapidly by providing the needed biomass fuel and infrastructure for new mills that will produce…

Invasive Plant Control Program

…Update PDF 2024 Cogongrass Winter Update PDF 2024 Known Cogongrass in Georgia PDF Callery Pear Information Callery pear is one of the most rapidly-spreading invasive plants in the eastern U.S….

Emergency Response

…built in wooded settings near forests and remote land. Wildfires can spread quickly and change direction rapidly, igniting brush, trees and homes. There are actions landowners and homeowners in the…

Doing Business in Georgia

…be substantial. Georgia’s workforce is young, well-educated, and growing rapidly. People Over 100,000 people move to the state each year, making Georgia the 8th fastest-growing state in the U.S. (2010…

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

…quality in the interface due to increased erosion and sedimentation, stormwater run-off, and rising water temperatures. Growth Rapid unplanned growth can radically change the landscape of an area. Tree cover…

Green Infrastructure Resources

…a GI approach on the landscape scale in coastal Georgia. Rapid development in this region has led to the loss of natural areas, fragmentation, degradation of water resources, and increased…


Cleaner, Cooler Air Trees trap lung-damaging dust, ash, pollen and smoke from the air. Shade from trees reduces temperatures and helps keep air pollutants from becoming even more volatile. Most…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…predominant factor in whether overall color change will increase or disappear as winter rapidly approaches. Species specifics: Dogwood – fading to maroon and brown with significant leaf loss Birch –…

New Ambrosia Beetle Detected (2010 Update)

The Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) trapping program helps detect exotic wood boring beetles entering our state. The trapping in Georgia for 2007 detected a new introduction of the camphor shot beetle, an exotic ambrosia beetle from Asia.