Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…hues on the tops of the tree canopy. Yellow poplar – Yellow. Sumac – Red. Beech – Green with some yellowing. Dogwood – Red and burgundy. Sourwood – Signs of…

Leaf Watch Report for October 12, 2022

…wider across north Georgia Views from overlooks and valleys have shifted from dark green to light green with small patches of faint yellows and maroons. The tops of ridges and…

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…good so far. Views from overlooks and valleys have shifted from dark green to light green with small patches of faint yellows and maroons. The tops of ridges and peaks…

GFC U&CF Technical Assistance Program

…time will be necessary for any technical assistance. You will need to review maps for accuracy, attend several (2-3) online workshops to review results or discuss goals and spend time…

Think Trees for the Holidays

…on the land. In addition, very few pesticides are used on the trees. And of course, local farmers and local economies benefit when crops are good and business is brisk….

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More!

…areas that were not burning. The spacing for that flight was 66 feet between drops and 250 feet between each pass. How fast will it fly? About 45 mph; weather…

Georgia Landowner Earns National Forest Sustainability Award

…Gaskins Forest Education Center, which has become a noted facility for outreach, hosting frequent classes, workshops, and field days. Brasell’s focused management practices include prescribed burning, invasive species control, and…


…at the Ag Expo in Moultrie. Skilled in-house construction teams completed projects including unit roofing, remodeling, and driveways. They also established special bearing-repair shops that support efficient heavy equipment maintenance….

Longleaf Restoration

…is ranked based on location, soils and practices desired If approved- GFC receives information and develops plan Landowner is given copy of plan and required to complete practices by timeline…

Learn, Plan, Act

…information about their woodlands. In addition, the site offers information about upcoming events and workshops, as well as contact information for forest management professionals to provide more in-person, direct assistance….