Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…2023 SPB Prediction Trapping Results Southern Pine Bark Beetle Brochure Southern Pine Bark Beetle Brochure (2013) Southern Pine Bark Beetle Coloring Book Southern Pine Beetle – Biology, Prevention, and Restoration…


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAY 21, 2024 Georgia is known for its rich pine tree forests. Unfortunately, southern pine beetles (SPB) are a constant in the Georgia environment, utilizing native pine…

Arson Investigations

…arsonists include: Arson in the Third Degree – Prison sentence of 1 – 5 years Arson in the Second Degree (> 5 acres burned) – Maximum prison sentence of 10…

Law Enforcement

GFC investigators are specially trained to conduct investigations of forestry-related crimes. Timber security laws have been amended and updated over time, and in 2014, GFC investigators were authorized by House…

Landowner Resources

…surfaces, based on research conducted by Virginia Tech. PDF Southern Pine Bark Beetle Brochure Southern Pine Bark Beetle Brochure (2013) Overview information regarding pine bark beetles. PDF Southern Pine Bark…

Carbon Sequestration

…Sequestration Projects in the Southern U.S. Key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States are examined in this paper….

2020 Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Survey Update

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.