Open Records Requests

Public records are broadly defined to include: documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, computer-based or generated information, data, data fields, or similar material prepared and maintained or received in…

Carefully Planned “Good Fires” Prevent Bad Ones

…increasing ecological challenges and natural resource concerns in Georgia. To learn more about prescribed fire and activities on public lands, visit,,,, or @ChattOconeeNF. # # #…

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

…biological control agents. On March 1, 2021, the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) proposed repeal of Chapter 224-3, “Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine,” in its entirety. Following an open comment period, on…

Fire Danger Rising – Public’s Help Needed

…before doing any type of outdoor burning. The Georgia Forestry Commission reports 577 wildfires in the past month, which burned some 3,500 acres, and 229 of those fires happened in…

Wildfire Prevention

…percent of all wildfires in the state. Debris burning is categorized into different types: Yard leaf piles – the most common cause of wildfires Agricultural Forestry site preparation Construction land…

Emergency Response

…Georgia Wildfire Activity GFC’s Georgia Wildfire Public Viewer provides an interactive map that pinpoints wildfire activity throughout the state. This tool is directly linked to GFC’s wildfire computer-aided dispatch system…

Rural Fire Defense Program

…is made available to the public through internet sales. The State of Georgia primarily offers surplus state property to the public through internet auction providers. To see property that is…

Community Resources

…owners and nonprofit organizations. Page on GFC Website Community Forestry Friend Program Application The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is rewarding communities and campuses implementing exemplary urban forestry programs with a…

Ask The Arborist

…Forestry Commission, and while our community foresters are International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists, their expertise mainly pertains to trees commonly found in Georgia. Note: GFC email serves cannot accept…