Longleaf Restoration

…Strong efforts are underway to reforest with longleaf and manage existing stands. However, well over half of today’s longleaf pines exist on private land. This is why GFC is working…

Ask The Arborist

Sometimes, a simple question can be answered with a little background information. We invite you to review our various resources for a lot of helpful tips and best practices for…

GFC Seeking Director/State Forester

…times. While honoring its roots in protection from wildfire and sound land management for wood production and economic return, the GFC is seeking a visionary Director who personifies the mission:…

Leaf Watch Report October 7th, 2021

…193 back to Hwy 136. Northeast GA Specific: While it’s early in the season, many of the understory trees are exhibiting fair to moderate color. Above 3000’ oaks are fading…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…color change is around 75% as overlooks and ridges have shifted to a range of dull yellow, brown, and gold with occasional patches of maroon and vibrant yellow. Views from…

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+

…but I finally understand how important the timber industry is to the economy in Georgia. I can now say my perspective has changed after witnessing first-hand the lengths these professionals…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…Forestry practices include stream restoration, livestock exclusion, restoring native vegetation in uplands, planting longleaf pine, and establishing native ground cover. Wildlife Incentives for Nongame and Game Species (Project WINGS) This…

Community Forestry Assistance

…to $5,000 in funding to plant trees to create healthier, shaded playground areas on elementary school campuses. This funding is available to elementary schools, PTAs, and community groups. GFC’s U&CF…

Georgia Burn Ban Begins May 1

…the summer months, when increases in ground level ozone may create health risks. For seven counties that are normally included in the summer burn ban, restrictions will be activated on…