GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…reds. White oak and red oak are slowing shifting to shades of brown and red, but still predominately green. Sassafras took off this week and is showing a variety of…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…red Maple – shifting from green to yellow or red Birch – mostly green with brown edges Oak – green slowly fading to brown with occasional dull reds Blackgum –…

Leaf Watch Report October 13th, 2021

…elevations. Oak, birch, redbud, hickory, and remaining species are starting to shed leaves and beginning to show faint shades of yellow. At all elevations, dogwood appears to be the first…

GFC Leaf Watch: November 5, 2020 (final leaf watch post)

…leaves with vivid colors. Currently, overlooks and ridges are predominately composed of dull greens, maroons, and browns with very little yellow or red. Many of the trees are leafless, while…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…Above 3000’ oaks are starting to transition from light green to pale yellow to red, and are giving some of these vistas a real feel that the big change is…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…and sassafras are continually shifting from green to yellow, increasing variety to overlooks as time progresses. Oaks are beginning to fade to brown with small hints of yellow. Dogwoods have…

Timber Products

Here are some interesting facts about some of the many products that come from Georgia’s trees: Timber Products Pulpwood for paper, saw timber lumber, poles, and veneer logs are valuable…