Green Cities: Reduced Risk

Trees and vegetation can dampen ambient noise, improve air quality, cool over-heated urban centers, and be a food security solution.

Green Cities: Work & Learning

Places that incorporate or are located near nature can help remedy mental fatigue and restore one’s ability to focus on tasks. The result can be better performance in the work place and classroom.

Green Cities: Mental Health & Function

Both visual access and being within green space helps to restore the mind’s ability to focus. This can improve job and school performance, and help alleviate mental stress and illness.

Green Cities: Active Living

Recent research indicates that quality outdoor environments affect activity attitudes and behaviors. Urban greening contributes to more walkable places.

Georgia ReLeaf Program

Georgia ReLeaf efforts to help south Georgia communities replace tree canopy lost to severe storms and other communities planting trees for veterans.

Connect With Nature

Take a forest break! GFC and Southern Group of State Foresters have launched a communications campaign to educate the public about the benefits of forests. The campaign invites internet visitors…

Making the Shade Program

… Assistance provided by Federal employees or Georgia Forestry Commission staff may not be claimed as part of the match. Cash purchases are direct, out-of-pocket expenditures for eligible project activities….