Leaf Watch Report for October 12, 2022

…136. For the best route in current traffic, visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/zTYdn6a9Ve6EhPW58. Route 2: Take Hwy 52 from Chatsworth to Ellijay (this route passes Fort Mountain State Park). From Ellijay, head West…

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More!

…on several wildfires by mapping fire perimeters and locating hot spots. Our Forest Management department has used them to create georeferenced aerial maps, locating pine beetle spots, poachers, and more….

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…current traffic, visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/zTYdn6a9Ve6EhPW58. Route 2: Take Hwy 52 from Chatsworth to Ellijay (this route passes Fort Mountain State Park). From Ellijay, head West on Hwy 76 back to Hwy…

GFC U&CF Technical Assistance Program

…time will be necessary for any technical assistance. You will need to review maps for accuracy, attend several (2-3) online workshops to review results or discuss goals and spend time…

Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…route in current traffic, visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/zTYdn6a9Ve6EhPW58. Route 2: Take Hwy 52 from Chatsworth to Ellijay (this route passes Fort Mountain State Park). From Ellijay, head west on Hwy 76 back…

STEM & Forestry

…distinguish them in certain forestry careers. A common tool used in forestry is GIS (geographic information system). GIS creates, manages, analyzes, and maps data related to its geographic location. Mills…

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 2nd, 2022

…best route in current traffic, visit https://maps.app.goo.gl/zTYdn6a9Ve6EhPW58 Route 2: Take Hwy 52 from Chatsworth to Ellijay (this route passes Fort Mountain State Park). From Ellijay, head West on Hwy 76…

Vigilance Urged as Insect-Attacks Emerge

…predicting SPB activity. Fifty traps were placed across the state to coincide with redbud bloom (early to mid-March) and six weekly samples were collected from each trap to provide a…

Waging War on the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

…past years, severe cold snaps like what we experienced at the end of December 2022, have resulted in HWA mortality at higher elevations in Georgia. While this provides a break…