GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…City. Drop down into Chattanooga via Ochs Hwy / 58. Then take Hwy 193 back to Hwy 136. Northeast GA The future of our 2020 color season will be in…

Fire Prevention Week 2020

…their homes, and increasing the wildfire ignition potential. The annual leaf change/drop adds a substantial amount of available fuels in our forests and around our homes. With cooler temperatures, we…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…colors including orange, yellow, and red. Dogwoods have surpassed peak and beginning to drop leaves. Although a few of the early tuners have already lost their leaves, the lost colors…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…to go to Cloudland Canyon). Follow Hwy 189 to Sunset Rock, Point Park, or Rock City. Drop down into Chattanooga via Ochs Hwy / 58. Then take Hwy 193 back…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…City. Drop down into Chattanooga via Ochs Hwy / 58. Then take Hwy 193 back to Hwy 136. North Central GA: Maple and birch trees are leading color change in…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…to Sunset Rock, Point Park, or Rock City. Drop down into Chattanooga via Ochs Hwy/58. Then take Hwy 193 back to Hwy 136. North Central Yellow poplar has largely finished…

Leaf Watch Report October 13th, 2021

…go to Cloudland Canyon). Follow Hwy 189 to Sunset Rock, Point Park, or Rock City. Drop down into Chattanooga via Ochs Hwy / 58. Then take Hwy 193 back to…

Leaf Watch Report October 7th, 2021

…turn right to go to Cloudland Canyon). Follow Hwy 189 to Sunset Rock, Point Park, or Rock City. Drop down into Chattanooga via Ochs Hwy / 58. Then take Hwy…

Conservation Woodland Program

…agriculture uses that qualify a property as an active producer for the covenant can include such activity as crop production and or support, livestock production and or management, production of…