Appreciating “Good Fire” in the Forest

…of us to enjoy. Prescribed fire contributes to the sustainability of this amazing natural resource.” To learn more about prescribed fire and services of the Georgia Forestry Commission, visit….

A Message from GFC Director Tim Lowrimore

…at 2022 and preparing for new initiatives that will deliver value to Georgia and its forestry community. 2022 has been an incredible year at the Georgia Forestry Commission! We have…

Defenders of Georgia’s Healthy Forests

…property. The Forestry Commission also offers free treatments to anyone with a cogongrass infestation. In fact, since the early 2000s, the Georgia Forestry Commission has been running an aggressive campaign…

Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

It is a real honor to be meeting you here, virtually. I am excited to be joining the Georgia Forestry Commission team and I look forward to the time we…

Connect With Nature

Take a forest break! GFC and Southern Group of State Foresters have launched a communications campaign to educate the public about the benefits of forests. The campaign invites internet visitors…

Wildfire Danger Elevated Across Georgia

…wildfire danger and take responsible actions to prevent wildfires from occurring,” said Sorrells. For more information about fire weather, fire safety, and services of the Georgia Forestry Commission, visit….

North Georgia Burn Ban Beginning May 1 Boosts Air Quality

…video resources can be found at “Humans are the number one cause of wildfires in Georgia,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “As outdoor recreation season begins, we…

Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives Research

Take care of the forest, and it will take care of you. As research is being conducted and becoming available, findings reinforce what much of the urban forestry community already knows — that trees have a positive impact on human health. Check out research on why Healthy Trees make Healthy Lives.