Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives Research

Take care of the forest, and it will take care of you. As research is being conducted and becoming available, findings reinforce what much of the urban forestry community already knows — that trees have a positive impact on human health. Check out research on why Healthy Trees make Healthy Lives.

Georgia Tree Council

Tree advocacy group who works to sustain Georgia’s green legacy by partnering with individuals, organizations, and communities in raising awareness toward improving and maintaining Georgia’s community forests.

Defenders of Georgia’s Healthy Forests

…property. The Forestry Commission also offers free treatments to anyone with a cogongrass infestation. In fact, since the early 2000s, the Georgia Forestry Commission has been running an aggressive campaign…

The Timber Harvest Notification Website is Live!

…email when a harvest notification is entered. Pre-determined receiving departments may include offices of the road department, tax assessor, code enforcement, and county commissioner. While the system just unveiled is…

Management Plans & Advice

…records and keep track of activities on your property. Communicate with others who use the property or who may be caring for it in the future. Creating a forest management…

Smokey Bear

Wildfire safety through educational programs in schools, civic club gatherings and other public events