Ransomware Attack Impacting GFC Online Services

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

GFC and COVID-19 – 5/27/20 Update

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

…storm damage can often be mitigated or minimized through regular assessment and proper treatment. The more obvious and visible forms of storm damage can present as hanging branches, both detached…

2022 Cogongrass County Density Map Winter Update

Sources: Esri, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastyrelsen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Intermap and the GIS user community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community

Timber Security

complaints, and every complaint is investigated. The priority will always be to protect our landowners and their forest resources by ensuring that credible timber harvest operations occur. Among the duties…

FIA Statistics Report for Georgia (1997)

This report highlights the principal findings of the seventh forest survey of Georgia. Field work began in November 1995 and was completed in April 1998. Six previous surveys, completed in 1936, 1953, 1961, 1972, 1982, and 1989 provide statistics for measuring changes and trends over the previous 62 years.


…local forester with questions or to get help identifying SPB activity here: https://gatrees.org/gfc-contacts/county-contacts/. To read the full report and learn more about services of the Georgia Forestry Commission, visit GaTrees.org….

Caring for Trees in Summer

…recommended. Water as needed, allowing the ground to go completely dry before applying more water. Once a week, or twice during the hottest months, is usually adequate. Pre-storm pruning is…