Georgia’s Forest Legacy Program Brochure

The Forest Legacy Program protects environmentally important working forests threatened by conversion to non-forest uses. GFC assists private landowners with technical advice in forest management and by holding conservation easements that support working forests.

Heterobasidion Root Disease (Annosum Root Rot) Guide

Annosus root rot can be a serious problem of pines in plantations that have been thinned one or more times. Loblolly, slash and white pines are affected most but shortleaf and longleaf are sometimes infected.

YHC – Hemlock Project

The Young Harris College (YHC) Hemlock Proiect is a volunteer effort of community members and students to help raise Sasajiscymnus tsugae, a tiny ladybird beetle that is one of the few natural predators of the HWA. The organization works in conjunction with the Forest Service and GFC to decide where to release the adult beetles.

Cogongrass in Georgia

…established due to the tremendous root system that must be completely eliminated. The first step in eradicating cogongrass is educating individuals how to identify the grass. The most recognizable feature…

Forest Industry Continues to Boost Georgia’s Economy

A new report shows Georgia’s forest industry continues to deliver strong results for the state’s economy. According to a Georgia Forestry Commission report provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology’s…

Slime Flux

Helpful information about “weeping water” from the trunk of a tree – usually a sign of a bacterial disease called Slime Flux or Bacterial Wetwood.

Hypoxolon Canker in Urban Trees

Found in the outer bark areas of living and healthy trees, Hypoxylon are normally of little consequence. However, the fungi can severely injure or kill trees that have been weakened by factors such as drought, root disease, mechanical injury, logging or construction activities. T

Gall Producing Insects

Galls are abnormal vegetative growths on trees that result from the feeding and egg laying activities of various insects and mites. Generally, galls are not life threatening to trees, but there are recommended steps to control the growth.