Spongy Moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) in Georgia

In March 2022, the Entomological Society of America adopted the common name “spongy moth” as the common name for the invasive moth Lymantria dispar (formerly known as “gypsy moth”). We…

Caring for your Trees: Proper Watering

Now that spring is here and trees are budding out, it is important to remember to water newly planted trees throughout the growing season. During the establishment phase (2-3 years),…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 1, 2020

…of sumac and some scattered sassafras are showing reds and oranges. Yellows and golds are starting to come in on yellow poplars, and also with birches at higher elevations/ And…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…of our digital photo records, we are just a few days behind where we were in 2014 and that year provided an excellent finale in terms of amount of color…

2021 Cogongrass in Georgia January Update

The 1457 cogongrass spots encompass a total of 373 acres. The status and treatment for each spot is at varying levels. The Georgia Forestry Commission recognizes a spot as eradicated after three consecutive years of finding no cogongrass resprouts.

2021 Cogongrass Spring Newsletter

The Georgia Forestry Commission has begun the 15th year of its campaign to fight the exotic, invasive weed known as cogongrass. Forty three new detections have been confirmed from January 1, 2021 through March 17, 2021 in Georgia, bringing the statewide cumulative total to 1,501 cogongrass spots. This number is moderately higher than the 31 detections made during this same time period in 2020.

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFW)

…Landowners agree to maintain management practices/restored habitats for at least 10 years. Application Process This program is administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Get more program information…

Leaf Watch Report October 13th, 2021

…schedule compared to the previous year. Species highlights: Sourwood – mostly green but showing hints of red in higher elevation Sassafras – fading to yellow with hints of red Sweetgum…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…of yellow Estimated percentage of color change from green to date: 15% Progress remains about a week behind schedule compared to the previous year. Without recent wind and rain, trees…