Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…months will determine how good of a season we can expect. Multiple moderate to severe storms will lead to premature leaf fall and less overall color. Leaf retention has been…

“Smokey Bear and Me: A Thanksgiving Thrill!”

…as we shared our common ground fire prevention message. Helping hold the lines on our giant, helium-filled Big Bear in the Big Apple was quite an experience! Fortunately, it wasn’t…


…mostly north and central Georgia counties (listed below) do not allow hand-piled yard debris and land-clearing debris burns from May 1 to September 30. For complete details, visit https://epd.georgia.gov/air-protection-branch/open-burning-rules-georgia. Georgia…

Timber Products

…productive use, often in commercial applications. Gum – the extraction of the raw fluid, or resin, from pines trees, predominantly slash and longleaf pines. Resin – the source of rosin…

Ecosystem Services

…benefits to society. These public goods provide the basis for sustainable economies, communities, and livelihoods, but have no recognized economic value in the marketplace. The vital contributions of ecosystem services…

Smokey Bear Website

Visit the official Smokey Bear website for all types of resources on how to prevent wildfires, safe camp fires, and learn about the history of Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign.

National Arson Awareness Week

The U.S. Fire Administration provides resources to spread important messages in your community to prevent arson. Access resources.

Georgia Centennial Farms

The Georgia Centennial Farm Program was developed in 1993 to distinguish family farms that have contributed to preserving Georgia’s agricultural history by maintaining working farms for more than 100 years. The program has recognized over 530 farms around the state.

Georgia Emergency Management (GEMA)

The state’s preparedness, response and recovery agency works with public and private sector organizations to prevent and respond to natural and man-made emergencies.