Building Healthy Forests for Birds

…birds. Controlled burns influence forest structure, which has indirect benefits for many bird species. In particular, prescribed fires can benefit forest understory development, create snags (standing dead trees), and generate…

Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ) in Georgia

…rural areas of the state, or what is known as the “Wildland Urban Interface” (WUI), there’s a growing need for more information and education regarding the protection of our homes…

Georgia Landowner Earns National Forest Sustainability Award

…tree thinning. Her property is renowned for its rich biodiversity, providing habitats for a number of wildlife species including gopher tortoises, Bachman’s sparrows, and indigo snakes. For more information about…

Pardon Our Smoke

…Permits are required for acreage burns. Land managers planning to burn should call1-800-GA-TREES (428-7337) to get a permit. For more information about the many benefits of prescribed burning, visit….

Defenders of Georgia’s Healthy Forests

…property. The Forestry Commission also offers free treatments to anyone with a cogongrass infestation. In fact, since the early 2000s, the Georgia Forestry Commission has been running an aggressive campaign…

Study Shows Steady Performance by Georgia’s Forest Industry

…to be a Georgia sustainability success story.” See report highlights here:, and the complete report here: For more information about services of the Georgia Forestry Commission, visit….

Area Forest Landowners Receiving Top-Rated Service

…Forestry Field Day judges. The Georgia Forestry Commission’s Warren-McDuffie team received North Zone Unit of the Year recognition at the state capitol on March 7. For more information about the…

Area Forest Landowners Receiving Top-Rated Service

…Berrien County team received South Zone Unit of the Year recognition at the state capitol on March 7. For more information about the many services of the GFC, visit….


…Georgia Forestry Commission’s Statewide Area of the Year for FY23, Area 9, was officially recognized by the state legislature on March 7. For more information about the many services of…