Forest Industry Continues to Boost Georgia’s Economy

A new report shows Georgia’s forest industry continues to deliver strong results for the state’s economy. According to a Georgia Forestry Commission report provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology’s…

i-Tree Streets

Within the i-Tree software suite, street tree populations are assessed using i-Tree Streets, which is an analysis tool for urban forest managers that uses tree inventory data to quantify the dollar value of annual environmental and aesthetic benefits.

Slime Flux

Helpful information about “weeping water” from the trunk of a tree – usually a sign of a bacterial disease called Slime Flux or Bacterial Wetwood.

Pine Beetle – The Urban Problem

Awareness of the location of pine beetle infestations near them and research based information relative to the management options available is the best defense a homeowner can have.

Hypoxolon Canker in Urban Trees

Found in the outer bark areas of living and healthy trees, Hypoxylon are normally of little consequence. However, the fungi can severely injure or kill trees that have been weakened by factors such as drought, root disease, mechanical injury, logging or construction activities. T

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia Fact Sheet

HWA is a serious pest of hemlock trees in Georgia. The aphid-like insect feeds on eastern and Carolina hemlock trees, eventually resulting in tree mortality. The very existence of the eastern and Carolina hemlock species is greatly threatened by HWA.