Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry

The Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry is a non-profit program established by Georgia Senate Bill 356 in 2004 and is administered by the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) and the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA).


Forest2Market is a global provider of timber pricing, cost benchmarks and in-depth analytics for participants in the wood raw materials supply chain. Our data-based solutions provide insight into complex business issues and support fact-based decision making and planning.

Georgia Pulpwood Production Fact Sheet – 2021

This fact sheet is adapted from Southern Pulpwood Production, 2021. The full report presents the findings of a 100 percent canvass of pulp mills that drew roundwood or wood residues from the 13 Southern States during 2021

Georgia’s Forest Legacy Program Brochure

The Forest Legacy Program protects environmentally important working forests threatened by conversion to non-forest uses. GFC assists private landowners with technical advice in forest management and by holding conservation easements that support working forests.

Website formed through a multinational effort to provide the latest information about the emerald ash borer (EAB)

YHC – Hemlock Project

The Young Harris College (YHC) Hemlock Proiect is a volunteer effort of community members and students to help raise Sasajiscymnus tsugae, a tiny ladybird beetle that is one of the few natural predators of the HWA. The organization works in conjunction with the Forest Service and GFC to decide where to release the adult beetles.

Taxes & Estate Planning

…and measured also qualifies for capital gains treatment under the provisions of Section 631 of the Internal Revenue Code and are commonly referred to as pay-as-you-cut or unit price sales….

Girdling Roots in Trees

Healthy roots are the foundation for a long, beautiful relationship with your trees. A girdling root problem starts very early in a tree’s development and can cut short a plant’s life.