GFC Tracking Palmetto Berry Thieves

…The Georgia Forestry Commission is working with local authorities to track illegal harvesters who are canvassing forestland in search of the in-season berries. Arrests have been made by both Georgia…


…landowners and communities the marketing and use of forest resources and nature services growing and selling quality tree seedlings for planting GFC is an equal opportunity employer and service provider….

National Forest Products Week

By: Dru Preston Forester-Staff U&M Georgia Forestry Commission Forests provide countless benefits for humanity. To recognize this and honor the tree, National Forest Products Week is observed annually during the…

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

…at for input and information about your storm damage mitigation options. It is imperative that all formal tree assessments and treatment be conducted by an International Society of Arboriculture…

Ransomware Attack Impacting GFC Online Services

…prompt attention. Georgia’s state cybersecurity team is investigating an online security breach at our agency. No customer information has been compromised at this time, and the team is working diligently…

GFC and COVID-19 – 5/27/20 Update

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

Learn & Explore

…property value and provide savings on utility bills. Trees also make economic sense in business districts by attracting shoppers to linger and shop longer. Forests provide billions of dollars worth…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…pine seedlings. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Forestry practices covered include prescribed burning, site preparation & tree planting, pre-commercial & commercial thinning, road stabilization, and wildlife management practices. Conservation Reserve…

A Note from GFC’s New Deputy Director

…the majority of my family resides in South Carolina. We have a two-year-old son and this opportunity allows us to be closer to both of our families. As we move…

FIA Statistics Report for Georgia (1997)

This report highlights the principal findings of the seventh forest survey of Georgia. Field work began in November 1995 and was completed in April 1998. Six previous surveys, completed in 1936, 1953, 1961, 1972, 1982, and 1989 provide statistics for measuring changes and trends over the previous 62 years.