Georgia Water Planning

Georgia manages water resources in a sustainable manner to support the state’s economy, to protect public health and natural systems, and to enhance the quality of life for all citizens.

Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…to the odor produced by wind-thrown trees and trees damaged or killed by nature or man. Living pine trees are infested when stressed by: drought, age, tree competition in overcrowded…

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

A non-native woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was detected in New York (NY) in 2005 and likely entered a port via solid wood packing material in cargo. This insect is native to…

Sustainable Forest Management in Georgia (2008)

Georgia’s forests are being sustainably managed to meet the numerous needs of our state today. To ensure our forests will continue to meet the ever increasing demands of future generations, many challenges must be met. This initial report, submitted to the General Assembly on July 1, 2008, highlights the conditions of our forest resources, along with the challenges and opportunities being faced by Georgia’s forest managers and owners.

2020 Georgia Southern Pine Beetle Prediction Survey Update

The Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) participates annually in the southern pine beetle (SPB) prediction trapping program. The southern pine beetle is the most destructive forest pest in the southeastern states. Survey results are documented in an annual report so that activity and damage levels can be anticipated and mitigated.

Landowners Can Help Reduce Wildfire in Georgia

…it will help support air quality. Smoke behaves differently during the day than it does at night, when it settles. This is expected to reduce the number of smoke complaints…