Tree City USA Application

Tree City USA is a great opportunity to celebrate the importance of an urban tree canopy and improve care of these vital city trees. Complete application.

Pecan Trees for the Home or Backyard Orchard

Pecan trees are commonly found surrounding both urban and rural dwellings throughout Georgia. They can enhance the environment and provide additional income from the sale of nuts. Pecans are recommended for home planting in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, but are not recommended for the north Georgia mountains.

1999 – 2009 Georgia Trout Stream BMP’s Interpretation addendum

Georgia’s forestry BMP manual (revised in 1999 and 2009) recommends a 100 foot wide Streamside Management Zone, measured from the stream bank horizontally outward away from the stream; to be implemented on all Georgia designated primary or secondary trout streams – and tributaries (p. 11 Georgia’s BMPs for Forestry manual).

Caring for your Trees: Proper Watering

Now that spring is here and trees are budding out, it is important to remember to water newly planted trees throughout the growing season. During the establishment phase (2-3 years),…

Get Ready for Summer with Post-Storm Tree Assessments

…storm damage can often be mitigated or minimized through regular assessment and proper treatment. The more obvious and visible forms of storm damage can present as hanging branches, both detached…

Local Forest Ranger Receives Fire Prevention Award

…prevent wildfire. Anthony English, Georgia Forestry Commission Wildland Urban Interface Specialist, of Cornelia, GA has won the Robert E. Browning award for 2019 in Georgia. “This recognition from the U.S….

Will someone buy my trees

Many homeowners believe that the trees in their landscape have significant economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. These trees, whether pine or hardwood, seem to occupy such a large space in the landscape that it’s difficult to imagine they can’t be used to build houses, furniture or put to some other valuable use. Landowners also hope that this value will help offset the cost of the tree’s removal, which can be very expensive.

Forests Continue to Grow Georgia’s Economy

…also shows forestry provided the state with $706 million in tax revenue in 2020. “These numbers reflect the health of our forests and our standing as the number one forestry…