Leaning Trees – What’s up with that?

Unfortunately, neither Mother Nature nor the character of a tree can reduce the very real risks associated with leaning. It’s not that trees that lean are inherently bad; it’s just that gravity creates problems.

Girdling Roots in Trees

Healthy roots are the foundation for a long, beautiful relationship with your trees. A girdling root problem starts very early in a tree’s development and can cut short a plant’s life.

Cavities in Trees

Cavities are created when physical wounding of the trunk occurs whether by human, weather or wildlife action. These wounds are then expanded by wood decaying fungi, bacteria or wildlife and can occur anywhere on the tree, but are most critical when they occur in the trunk or in major stems and branches.

How to Water Your Trees

Summer heat often prompts us to wonder how our trees can survive when too little rain falls to keep the grass alive. There are important tips to follow for proper watering and maintenance.

Pecan Trees for the Home or Backyard Orchard

Pecan trees are commonly found surrounding both urban and rural dwellings throughout Georgia. They can enhance the environment and provide additional income from the sale of nuts. Pecans are recommended for home planting in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, but are not recommended for the north Georgia mountains.

Spongy Moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) in Georgia

In March 2022, the Entomological Society of America adopted the common name “spongy moth” as the common name for the invasive moth Lymantria dispar (formerly known as “gypsy moth”). We…

How Many Trees Should I Plant?

The density of an initial planting of trees or plants depends upon both the species and objectives of the landowner. This table offers guidelines for the most tree planting densities.

Forest Health Archived Resources

…Cogongrass Winter Update 2023 Known Cogongrass in Georgia Dirty Dozen List – Nonnative Invasive Plants (2019) EAB – Destructive Tree Pest Detected in Georgia (2013) Georgia 2021 SPB Aerial Survey…