Local Forestry Employees Earn 2021 Performance Award

…Colquitt and Miller County. In addition, all rangers assisted in training local fire departments in wildland fire suppression tactics and deployed to western wildfires last summer and fall. “The GFC…

Local Forestry Employees Earn 2021 Performance Award

…to their many skills, more than $30,000 in savings was realized, electrical wiring projects and upgrades at two county offices were completed, and two employees volunteered and deployed to western

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…of helicopters dumping water on smoky fires below? Pictures like that are mostly associated with western fires that happen in the summer. California, for instance, averages 62,000 wildfires a year,…

Bloom-time BOLO for Invasive Weed in Georgia

…landowners at no cost. While most cogongrass outbreaks have been in the southwestern portions of the state, the noxious weed has been discovered in other locations throughout Georgia. It appears…

Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.

Hemlock trees in eastern forests are late successional tree species that provide shade for the forest understory. Globally, there are ten hemlock species, with populations located in Asia and eastern and western North America12. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana) grow in the eastern U.S. These trees have great ecological and cultural value in forests. However, the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae or HWA) is decimating hemlock populations throughout much of the trees’ native range, altering landscapes, and threatening these iconic tree species in both rural and urban areas.


…moderate in the western and north Georgia regions. Southern pine beetles are attracted to damaged and stressed trees, such as those struck by lightning or left behind by severe weather….

Natural Disaster Recovery

…to help you prepare, recover, and build long-term resilience to natural disasters. External Website Disaster Resource Center The USDA Disaster Resource Center offers information about specific disasters and emergencies, how…

Emergency Response

Wildfire & Disaster In addition to the risk of loss of property and human life, the destruction of timber can be an expensive loss. The National Fire Protection Association offers…

Timber Products

Here are some interesting facts about some of the many products that come from Georgia’s trees: Timber Products Pulpwood for paper, saw timber lumber, poles, and veneer logs are valuable…