Forests Continue to Grow Georgia’s Economy

…also shows forestry provided the state with $706 million in tax revenue in 2020. “These numbers reflect the health of our forests and our standing as the number one forestry…

Forest Industry

…Georgia in 2018 $977 million in tax revenue generated 55,089 forest industry jobs 205 primary wood product manufacturing facilities in Georgia 1100 secondary mills that further convert wood products into…

Forest Legacy & Conservation Easements

…income tax credits. Priority is given to lands that can be effectively protected and managed. Public access is not required, but can be allowed if the landowner chooses. A written…

Ecosystem Services

The United Nations led a four-year assessment of the status and trends of the world’s ecosystems. This Millennium Assessment groups ecosystems services into four broad categories: Provisioning Services: The production…

HB 4EX Bill

Bill creates a tax credit for timber growers in the 28 counties included in the disaster area who incurred significant damages and expenses due to Hurricane Michael.

Help at Hand for Michael-Struck GA Landowners

…of the documented cost. The average cost of clearing debris from forestland across the Southeast is about $500 per acre. Cost share may be limited per taxpayer identification number and…

Forestry Continues to Boost State’s Economy

…Commission Director Chuck Williams. “The number of jobs and compensation are up, dollars brought into the state are up, and tax revenue generated for the state was $970 million. Simultaneously,…

Report Card for Georgia’s Forestland Released

…sustainability of Georgia’s forests is urbanization. Land ownership patterns are changing, parcels are getting smaller, and land valuations for tax purposes have been inconsistent across the state. The majority of…