New Report Shows Continued Growth for Forestry in Georgia

…48,000 jobs with wages and salaries of $2 billion and generated $4.8 billion of economic activity. Other notable highlights of the 2019 Economic Benefits of the Forest Industry in Georgia…

Report Card for Georgia’s Forestland Released

…Georgia’s Forests” details the condition of the state’s 24-million acres of forestland. It outlines the numerous economic, environmental, and social benefits of Georgia’s forests and details specific challenges to the…

Landowner Resources

…with silvicultural operations about common-sense, economical and effective practices to minimize non-point source pollution (soil erosion and stream sedimentation) and thermal pollution. These minimum practices are called BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES…

Arbor Day Celebrated Across Georgia in February

…mostly privately-owned forestland grows 64 cubic feet – or two tons – of wood per second! As documented in the “2018 Economic Benefits of Forestry in Georgia” report provided by…

National Forest Products Week

…been conducted at Georgia Tech’s School of Material Science and Engineering. Some economists forecast the economic value of nanocellulose to reach $783 million by 2025. Credit: It is amazing…

Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program

…justice, in addition to inequitable access to nature. Therefore, the priority of the Georgia ReLeaf program is DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES as per the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST). CEJST…

My Three-Month Internship with the GFC

…York, but I was fortunate to grow up visiting a piece of family property in southwestern Georgia. Before I was born, my great uncle envisioned restoring the longleaf ecosystem on…

Forest Health

…displace native species and are likely to cause harm to the economy, environment or human health. The twelve most invasive plants in Georgia are known as the Dirty Dozen. They…

Water Quality & BMPs

…Georgia manages water resources in a sustainable manner to support the state’s economy, to protect public health and natural systems, and to enhance the quality of life for all citizens….