Georgia Invasive Species Task Force

The Georgia Invasive Species Task Force is comprised of the Georgia Department of Agriculture, the Georgia Forestry Commission, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the University of Georgia. For more than 15 years, members of this group have worked cooperatively together in invasive species detection, education, and control.

Food Forest Species List

Species list for U&CF funded grant projects involving food forest. Contains species for North Georgia and South Georgia

Defenders of Georgia’s Healthy Forests

…its native country and relocated to a non-native country, it can become an invasive species and wreak havoc on the forested ecosystems of the new country. This is because in…


…planting of trees depends upon both the species and objectives of the landowner. Landowners planting strictly for timber production generally plant Loblolly, Slash or Longleaf pines and will tend to…

State Managed Forests

…30 years. For example, areas of the forest composed mostly of pine tree species will be thinned before they start to die from overcrowding. Areas of mature pine will be…

Pine Bark Beetles

…start carving out galleries under the bark to lay their eggs. These galleries, with shapes specific to each species, are what eventually end up killing the tree by girdling it….

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…is currently showing the most change in color throughout the Lookout Mountain area. NW Species specifics: Dogwood – Vivid reds fading to maroon and brown Birch – slowly fading to…

Making the Shade Program

…cost-share project. The match may include in-kind contributions, volunteer assistance, and private and public (non-Federal) monetary contributions. All matching funds must be specifically related to the proposed project. In-kind contributions…

Student Resources

…around the state. External Website Georgia Species Fact Sheets Review fact sheets on Georgia Species: Amphibians, Birds, Crayfish, Dragonflies, Mammals, Fishes, Mussels and Snails, Plants and Reptiles. External Website Georgia…