Invasive Plant Control Program

comprised of the Georgia Department of Agriculture, the Georgia Forestry Commission, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the University of Georgia. For more than 15 years, members of this…

My Experience as an Urban and Community Forestry Intern

…summer as an urban and community forestry intern. I study community forestry and arboriculture at the University of Georgia. My advisors spoke highly of the Georgia Forestry Commission and its…

Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

Carbon Registry

…energy flows. Some sections of this document end with a sub-section titled Commentary. The commentary sections are non-mandatory and are included to inform the user of background information, provide references…

Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program

…and the Community Forestry Assistance Act of the 1990 Farm Bill, has allocated funding to the Georgia Forestry Commission for statewide distribution, in partnership with the Georgia Tree Council. To…

Timber Products

Here are some interesting facts about some of the many products that come from Georgia’s trees: Timber Products Pulpwood for paper, saw timber lumber, poles, and veneer logs are valuable…

Tree Ordinances

…trees. A well-designed tree ordinance can take months or years for communities to write, but can provide many benefits to people living in the community. Tree ordinances should be formulated…