Tree Seedlings

Each year, GFC supplies seedlings to Georgia landowners for reforestation, beautification and wildlife habitat. GFC begins processing orders on July 1 for the following planting season (in Georgia, planting season…


…Georgia landowners for reforestation, beautification and wildlife habitat. GFC begins processing orders on July 1 for the following planting season (in Georgia, planting season is from December through March 1)….

Building Healthy Forests for Birds

…plants are important hosts for protein-rich native insects, like caterpillars, which nesting birds need to feed their growing chicks. More than 96 percent of land birds feed insects to their…

My Firewise Experience 

…course, the homeowners would have to agree for us to inspect the fire safety of their house. It was a great experience that helped me understand what a Firewise home…

Plan Now, Dodge Bullets Later!

…plan ahead for the possible impact of storms on trees: Inspect your trees before (and after) any major weather event; look for cracks and new leans. Work with an ISA…

Georgia Arbor Day

…garden, citizen group, or developer supporting “tree-friendly” values. Schedule homeowner classes on tree pruning, tree selection, tree identification, and tree planting. Charge a small registration fee and use the money…