On May 1, an outdoor burn ban will begin in 54 Georgia counties, primarily in the northern half of the state. Affected residents are asked to refrain from burning yard and land clearing debris, whose smoke can negatively impact the state’s air quality during the hot summer months by contributing to high ozone levels. These conditions have been linked to lung and heart disease in humans. Please see this .pdf for more details.

GFC Tracking Palmetto Berry Thieves

…landowners often do not notice the thefts until their property has been picked clean. Illegal harvesters operate day and night and may be dangerous if confronted. Landowners are being urged…

North Georgia Burn Ban Beginning May 1 Boosts Air Quality

…asked to refrain from burning yard and land clearing debris, whose smoke can negatively impact the state’s air quality during the hot summer months by contributing to high ozone levels….

GFC Mourns Loss of Forestry Employee

…on Sunday in Washington County. Twenty-six year old Forest Ranger, Shaun Luke Daniel, was treated by emergency responders who were unable to revive him on the scene. “We are shocked

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+

…representatives walked us through the grafting process, and we were all able to graft two pine trees together. The most interesting part was how they’re able to create stronger, more…

Cost Share & Incentive Programs

…non-native, invasive plants. If left unchecked, lands occupied by these plants become unproductive and native flora (and fauna) can be completely displaced. Arbor Day Foundation – Georgia Tree Planting Program…

Forest Stewardship Program

…structure, and drafts of the Landscape Management Plan (LMP) and the associated geodatabase. AFF and SFC also worked cooperatively to evaluate and incorporate edits, comments, and modifications that resulted in…

Water Quality & BMPs

…plans on water quality impaired stream segments. GFC was tasked with developing the forestry component for TMDL plans. External Website Timber Harvest Notifications Website The purpose of this website is…

Fire Weather

…linked to GFC’s wildfire computer-aided dispatch system and software called FiResponse. It offers current information about Georgia’s reported and active wildfires. Details include: fire location whether a fire is active,…

Wildfire Prevention

When burning, always check the weather first. A major cause of debris burn wildfires is not following Ga code section 12-6-90 and burning with improper weather conditions. Changing conditions and…