What is my yard tree worth?

Homeowners often wonder about the value of their trees when removals appear necessary or when a tree has suffered damage at the hands of a contractor, neighbor, or storm.

Storm Mitigation Planning

Planning Both communities and arborists need to plan ahead for storms. An effective storm plan will help to minimize a storm’s impacts on your community forest. GFC can help communities…

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

The urbanization of the rural landscape has resulted in challenges for protecting not only natural resources, but also homes and people. Communities in the WUI are at risk of catastrophic…

Health & Recreational

…and creativity, cognitive and intellectual development, and social relationships. The character of a neighborhood has a significant affect on residents’ physical activity. People in communities with abundant greenspace generally enjoy…

Landowner Resources

…and current National Fire Danger Ratings by GFC Areas External Website Firewise USA® A program that teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work…

Firewise USA®

A program that teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together to prevent losses