Student Resources

Commission documents all known cogongrass infestations.Invasive Species: Any plant or animal that has been introduced and aggressively competes with and displaces local native communities; normally having no native enemies to…

Social & Cultural

…outdoor spaces with natural landscapes than in comparable plant-less spaces. Individuals and groups within communities with strong social cohesion and social capital experience many positive benefits. Helpful Resources Review studies,…

Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)

Eligibility Must be private land or Tribal land which will restore, enhance or measurably increase the likelihood of recovery of a threatened or endangered species, improve biological diversity and increase…

Forest Legacy & Conservation Easements

…the Forest Legacy Program through a grant from the USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry branch. For the purchase of easements or land, grants are awarded on a competitive…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…and tropical force winds threaten to severely thin out the canopies through Thursday. With a variety of conditions across the region developing, the best way to see the most color…

Forest Biomass

…for bioenergy combustion systems. Use of these materials also prevent their disposal in landfills. Care should be taken to ensure that wood treated with chemicals and hazardous materials are not…

Spongy Moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) in Georgia

In March 2022, the Entomological Society of America adopted the common name “spongy moth” as the common name for the invasive moth Lymantria dispar (formerly known as “gypsy moth”). We…

Urban & Community Forestry

Healthy community and urban forests are integral to the lives of all Georgians. The Georgia Forestry Commission’s urban and community foresters help protect and promote Georgia’s urban forests by: Providing…

Natural Disaster Recovery

…storm. PDF Storm Mitigation Template Community Forest Storm Mitigation Plan for Georgia Communities Template PDF Storm Mitigation Workbook Community Forest Storm Mitigation Planning for Georgia Communities Workbook PDF Timber Impact…

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

…officials and their responsibilities CWPPs are designed through collaboration with all local stakeholders. Planning enables communities to address their development patterns in the wildland urban interface (WUI) and determine how…