Learn, Plan, Act

GFC and the Southern Group of State Foresters launched “Learn, Plan, Act” as a way to promote sound forest management practices and provide helpful educational materials, guidance and other resources to Georgia landowners.

Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests

Information on accurate identification and effective control of the 33 plants or groups that are invading the forests of the 13 Southern States at an alarming rate, showing both growing and dormant season traits.

Planting Container Trees

Containerized trees may come in many different sizes but and are usually available in 1,3,5,7 10 or 15 gallon-sized containers. Ideally, the size diameter of the container should be 8-10 inches for every inch of trunk diameter measured at 6” above the ground.

Tree ID

Chart to help identify leaves found in the forest.

FY24 WCG Rx Fire Applicants Information

This cost-share program is focused on reintroducing prescribed fire in the Chattahoochee Fall Line area of Georgia to provide ecological benefits and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. The program will be implemented by the Georgia Forestry Commission with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, American Forest Foundation, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Bobwhite Quail Initiative, Landscape Scale Restoration Grant, and other partners.

Spring Tree Care

…about the correct way to prune in this GFC video: Ask the Arborist Series: Best Pruning Tips & Techniques This is an ideal time for an overall health check-up on…

2021 Cogongrass Spring Newsletter

The Georgia Forestry Commission has begun the 15th year of its campaign to fight the exotic, invasive weed known as cogongrass. Forty three new detections have been confirmed from January 1, 2021 through March 17, 2021 in Georgia, bringing the statewide cumulative total to 1,501 cogongrass spots. This number is moderately higher than the 31 detections made during this same time period in 2020.

Think safety before starting a burn.

…help. Listening to that dangerous ego can truly make a life or death difference when it comes to fire, and burners must always err on the side of safety. Call…