Leaf Watch Report October 13th, 2021

…schedule compared to the previous year. Species highlights: Sourwood – mostly green but showing hints of red in higher elevation Sassafras – fading to yellow with hints of red Sweetgum…

Georgia’s Family Forest Landowners – 2021

…Based on a recent mail-based survey (1143 respondents), this infographic summarizes the key characteristics of Georgia’s family forest landowners, highlighting the key differences between male and female landowners. This information…

Carbon Sequestration Archive

…Carbon Sequestration Registry included a public review process of proposed draft protocol documents and presentations. This is related resource document. PDF exclamation-circle No resources found- please try another search term….

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

…are good places to see maples, oaks, beech, sweetgum, and hickories still showing great colors. Species-specific in the piedmont; below 1500’ Dogwood – primarily complete Birch –River Birch Poor Yellow-poplar…

2022 Cogongrass in Georgia Winter Update

In 2021, Irwin, Jones, and Pierce Counties were the only counties reporting cogongrass for the first time. There were 156 detections in 2021, bringing the number of known cogongrass spots in the state to 1621, scattered across 72 counties.

2021 Low Water Crossing Installation in Lower Coastal Plain

The Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404, exempts normal, established, ongoing silvicultural activities from the permitting process for discharges of dredged or fill material in jurisdictional wetlands; provided that 15 federal mandates are complied with.

This crossing:
• Crossing Purpose: To access timber for harvesting
• Alternatives: Other side would have required crossing another stream and building a new road
• Primary objective of State Forest: Timber Production
• Management Plan: Harvest timber and then reforest

Timber Harvest Notifications Website

The purpose of this website is to provide a state-wide timber harvest notification platform for the report of timber harvests to Georgia’s counties or municipalities.

Prescribed Burn Time in Georgia

…or damaged (not related to normal wear and tear) items will be invoiced along with the daily rental rate. Additionally, if you have a completed Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for…